
DESCRIPTION :- D-Mine (2,4-D Amine Salt 58% SL) is a highly effective systemic fungicide that safeguards crops from harmful fungal diseases. With its unique action, D-Mine provides fast-acting control and preventive protection, ensuring healthier plants and increased yields.

Benefits :-

  • Comprehensive Disease Management:
    Effectively combats fungal infections like rust, blights, and leaf spots across a range of crops.

  • Fast-Acting Systemic Formula:
    Quickly penetrates plant tissues to stop fungal activity at its source.

  • Promotes Crop Health:
    Ensures disease-free growth, leading to better flowering, fruiting, and higher-quality harvests.

Application Protocol :-

  1. Preparation:

    • Mix D-Mine with water at the recommended rate of 1.5–2 mL per liter, depending on the crop and fungal pressure.
  2. When to Apply:

    • Use as a preventive measure or at the first signs of infection during critical growth stages like tillering, flowering, or fruit set.
  3. How to Apply:

    • Foliar Spray: Apply evenly to leaves, stems, and affected areas for optimal disease control.
  4. Reapplication Frequency:

    • Apply every 10–12 days during high disease pressure or as recommended for the specific crop.
  5. Safety Precautions:

    • Wear appropriate protective gear, including gloves and a mask, during handling and spraying.
    • Avoid application during heavy wind or rain to ensure maximum adherence.
    • Store away from food items, children, and pets.

Recommended Crops and Targets:

  • Cereals: Rust, smuts, and blights in wheat and barley.
  • Vegetables: Alternaria, early blight, and anthracnose in tomatoes, cucurbits, and potatoes.
  • Fruits: Scab, powdery mildew, and leaf spots in apples, grapes, and citrus.

D-Mine is your go-to solution for controlling stubborn fungal diseases, ensuring disease-free crops and a bountiful harvest. 🌱